We are the external export department of many companies that entrust their foreign presence with us.
Focus on your product or service, our team of export managers will take care of choosing the most suitable markets, locate and contact importers, accompany them on trips, advice on payments and collections and many more services. Commitment, professionalism, reliability and profitability.
- Factoring, Forfaiting
- International contracts
- Commercial and country risk management
- Contacts with companies and external support (legal advice, recoveries, bids, coverage, training…)
- Contract review before signature (policies, loans, financing…)

Market analysis in the most attractive countries for your products and services.

Identification of product HSC.

Identification of potential sales markets by complex analytical algorithm (mix).

All the procedures in each country to import and specific requirements for each product.

Buying companies by country, with all their contact information.

Type of company by business volume, financial capacity, number of workers, etc.

Imports made and their origin, quantities, etc.

Market price statistics and follow-up.

Possible identification of competing companies in the same or alternative countries.

Search for business partners

Help to set up abroad

International Group Purchasing

Trade Mission: We accompany you to International Trade Fairs, as well as negotiations with customers and suppliers.
Contact us